The nuance of human and the power of AI to
engage your people at scale.

We partner with you to go beyond measurement and data analysis to create positive sustainable culture change across organizations.

Our process is summed up  by the golden trio:
What? So what? Now what?


Measure in Context

We gather first-hand intel from every person in all parts of your organization.
*net promoter scores
*wellbeing surveys
*Glint scores
*360 Feedback
*engagement or burnout data
and find the insights that you need most
We also design or optimize surveys.

Data Privacy

Our process ensures privacy-protected insights. We safely manage personal, de-identified, and aggregated data to output insights at the iteam and organizational levels.

So What?

Interpret using HITL AI

We combine a profound understanding of human performance science and systemic thinking with cutting-edge prompt architecture and human-in-the-loop (HITL) AI technologies to deliver cumulated intelligence at scale, in real time. We leverage survey data to tell a clear story about what’s helping and what’s hindering individual and organizational advances

We Know When You Need a Human in the Loop

Now What?

Act Together

A diagnosis is only as good as the action it sparks. We take insights and turn them into strategies.
This is how we help you to integrate, innovate, or double down on existing cultural development initiatives that build clarity, growth, autonomy, productivity, wellbeing, trust, respect and psychological safety with agility.

Top Down & Bottom Up

Our action plans help you make intentional sustainable change at the individual, team, or organizational level.

We're your partner in:

Project Launching

Less hot air, more rocket

Metrics that Matter

Less rubble, more gems

Innovation Escalation

Less jigsaw, more chess

Team Morale

Less audience, more activist


Less herding, more migration

We Serve Consultants

We serve consultants who have the expertise to achieve transformational change with their clients. Apricity’s contribution informs such transformations using current, real world insights from every part of the client organization.

What is Apricity and what services does it offer?

We're your partners in capturing insights from your full organization in real time. We are experts in applying evolving technology to create a real-time dialog between all employees and leadership. We turning your employee data (surveys and feedback) into action plans that help you identiy and leverage high potential change.

What does Apricity mean?

Apricity is a very old name for a team with a very new way of working. It describes the warmth of the sun during winter when it feels pleasant or comforting. Our work sheds light & warmth either by fanning embers or ingiting new flames.

How can I be sure that Apricity will identify key insights in our data?

Apricity employs a team to offer an interdisciplinary approach, coupled with a deep understanding of the latest developments in AI and human potential. Typical sentiment analysis misses sarcasm, multi-pronged comments and nuanced understanding of your organization's unique language. Typical survey dashboards miss the complexity and context of the story your data tells. By combining human intelligence with artificial intelligence we get results you can trust.

What is the approach of Apricity towards AI and ethics?

Apricity believes in a proactive and holistic approach towards AI and ethics. Our co-founder chairs the AI for Human Flourishing working group as part of the Human Flourishing Program at Harvard. We anticipate and address potential ethical issues in AI before they become problems and consider diverse perspectives in our LLM choice.

How can I get involved?

We play well with others! If you think your unique strengths and experience would add value to our small but mighty global team, please reach out via the contact form below.

We play well with others. Let's connect.

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